The one question that will make you more generous
Photo by Cameron Clark.
Generosity is a habit, and one that is first developed by noticing opportunities to add good to the lives of others.
If you want your subconscious to be working on identifying ways to be more generous while you go about your daily routine, ask yourself the question (out loud), "How can I add good to the lives of others this week?"
You may be surprised at the opportunities to make life easier for someone that seem to pop up out of nowhere. These didn't really come out of nowhere, you're just training yourself to notice them more often by asking yourself this simple question and allowing your brain to get to work.
Originally published May 2013
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Liene Stevens, the founder and CEO of Think Splendid, is an author, speaker, and award-winning business strategist. Armed with $2000, a healthy work ethic, and an undeserved dose of privilege, Liene bootstrapped Think Splendid from a scribble in a notebook to a successful wedding business consulting firm with a client list spanning 94 countries